January 17, 2011

The World Needs Men (ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္လိဢ္ဘဢ္ပိာ္ခြါတဖဢ္)

The world needs men

.... who cannot be bought;
.... whose word is their bond;
.... who put character above wealth;
.... who are larger than their vocations;
.... who do not hesitate to take chances;
.... who will not lose their identity in a crowd;
.... who will be as honest in small things as in great things;
.... who will make no compromise with wrong;
.... who ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires;
.... who will not say they do it "because everybody else does it;"
.... who are true to their friends through good report and evil report, in adversity as well as in prosperity;
.... who do not believe that shrewdness and cunning are the best qualities for winning success;
.... who are not ashamed to stand for the truth when it is unpopular;
.... who can say "no" with emphasis, although the rest of the world say "yes".
God, make me this kind of man.

- Leonard Wagner


ဟီဢ္ခိဢ္လိဢ္ဘဢ္ ပိာ္ခြါတဖဢ္

…..လဿအမၯတဿ္အါန႔ဿ္ဒံး အနီဿ္ကစဿ္အတဿ္ဖံးတဿ္မၯ.
…..လဿအသးတီဒီးတဿ္ဆံးဆံးဖိ ဒ္ အသးတီဒီးတဿ္အဒိဢ္အသိး.
…..လဿအတဿ္ပညိဢ္တဖဢ္ တမ့ဿ္ထဲအကစဿ္တဂၯဧိၯအဂီဿ္.
…..လဿအတစံး၀ဲလဿယမၯတဿ္အံၯလီၯ ႃႃမ့ဿ္လဿပွၯအါဂၯမၯ၀ဲအဃိ႗႗
…..လဿအတီဒီးအတံၯသကိး လဿတဿ္ပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္တဿ္ဂ့ၯမ့တမ့ဿ္တဿ္အဿ ဖဲဘဢ္မုာ္အခါမ့ဿ္ဂ့ၯ ဒီးဖဲဘဢ္ဖွီဢ္အခါမ့ဿ္ဂ့ၯန႔ဢ္လီၯ.
…..လဿအနာ္၀ဲလဿတဿ္ကဘ်ံးကဘ်ဢ္ ဒီးတဿ္လီအီဢ္တဿ္န႔ဢ္ တမ့ဿ္က်ဲအဂ့ၯကတဿဿ္တဘိလဿ ကမၯနဿၯတဿ္အဂီဿ္ဘဢ္.
…..လဿအတမဲာ္ဆွးလဿကဂဲၯဆဿထဿဢ္လဿတဿ္တီတဿ္လိၯအဂီဿ္ ဖဲပွၯတသ့ဢ္ညါအခါဒဢ္လဲာ္လီၯ.
…..လဿအစံး ႃႃတမ့ဿ္ဘဢ္႗႗ လဿတဿ္သးဒူအပူၯ ဖဲပွၯအဂၯတဖဢ္စံး ႃႃမ့ဿ္႗႗ အဆဿကတီဿ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ.
ယြၯဧဿ၊ မၯစဿၯယၯဒ္သိးယကမ့ဿ္ ပိာ္ခြါဒ္သိးအံၯအဂီဿ္တက့ဿ္.

Leonard Wagner



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