February 20, 2011

ကညီမုဢ္လဿ အဖႜဲးတဂၯ နီဿ္မ့ၯရံၯဖံ (Mary Pee)

ကညီဖိလဿ ကီး အၯဒမၯတဖဢ္ အိဢ္ဆိးတ့ဿ္လံလဿ ကီးအ၀ဲန႔ဢ္အပူၯ န႔ဢ္ အနံဢ္ဃိးဆံဘ်ဲဢ္လံန႔ဢ္လီၯ. ကီးအၯဒမၯန႔ဢ္ အိဢ္လဿ ဘ့ကလါ ပီဢ္လဲဢ္က့ဢ္က်ီၯအပူၯ ဒီး ဘဢ္ထြဲ၀ဲဒဢ္ဒီး ကိၯလၯသူကီဿ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. လဿအပူၯကြံာ္ အနံဢ္ တဆံဘ်ဲဢ္န႔ဢ္ ပွၯကညီဖိဖဲန႔ဢ္တဖဢ္ တဿ္တသ့ဢ္ညါ ပာ္ကဲအီၯဒံးဘဢ္၊ ဘဢ္ဆဢ္ခဲအံၯ တဿ္ပာ္၀ဲဒဢ္ အ၀ဲသ့ဢ္ဒ္အမ့ဿ္ ပွၯကလုာ္အက်ါ တကလုာ္လဿ အအိဢ္လဿ ကီးအၯဒမၯအပူၯန႔ဢ္လီၯ. ဘဢ္မႏုၯအဃိလဲဢ္န႔ဢ္ လဿအနံဢ္တဆံအတီဿ္ပူၯ ကညီဖိဖဲန႔ဢ္တဖဢ္ စးထီဢ္သးစဲလဿ တဿ္ကူဢ္ဘဢ္ကူဢ္သ့ အဃိ ဟးထီဢ္ဆူ ကီးဒီး လဲၯဆူ အ့ဒယဿ္ကီဿ္မိဿ္ပွဿ္အပူၯ ဒ္သိး ကဃုမၯလိန႔ဿ္တဿ္ကူဢ္ဘဢ္ကူဢ္သ့ အဂီဿ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. မ့ဿ္အဲဢ္ဒိးသ့ဢ္ညါအါထီဢ္ ကညီဖိဖဲန႔ဢ္တဖဢ္အဂ့ဿ္တခီ ဖးအီၯလဿယတဿ္လဲၯခီဖ်ိဆူအၯဒမၯ အပူၯတက့ဿ္.

အခဲအံၯ အဲဢ္ဒိးပာ္ဖ်ါထီဢ္ ကညီမုဢ္ဖိလဿ ကီးအၯဒမၯတဂၯ လဿအလဲၯမၯလိတဿ္လဿ အ့ဒယဿ္ကီဿ္မိဿ္ပွဿ္အပူၯ လဿဘဲၯကလိၯ အ၀့ဿ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. အ၀ဲမ့ဿ္ ကညီမုဢ္ဖိလဿ အဖႜဲးဒိဢ္မးတဂၯန႔ဢ္လီၯ. အမံၯမ့ဿ္ နီဿ္မ့ၯရံၯဖံ ဒီး အသးအိဢ္၀ဲဒဢ္ ၂၃ နံဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. အ၀ဲမၯလိတဿ္ လဿ ဘဲၯကလိၯဖႜဢ္စိမိၯ လဿတဿ္ဃုတဿ္ကစီဢ္တကပၯ (BA Journalism)၊ ဒီးလဿ လါဖ့ၯၾဘဴၯအါရံၯ ၁၅ သီန႔ဢ္ ဒိးန႔ဿ္ဘဢ္တဿ္လၯကပီၯအထီကတဿဿ္ လဿဘဢ္တဿ္ဟ့ဢ္လီၯလဿ ဘဲၯကလိၯ ဖႜဢ္စိမိၯလဿအမ့ဿ္ ထူကဘ်ဢ္န႔ဢ္လီၯ. မ့ဿ္လဿအမိဿ္အပဿ္အိဢ္ယံၯဒီးအီၯအဃိ လဲၯ၀ဲတတုၯဘဢ္. ဘဢ္ဆဢ္ မုဂါဒီးဖါတံဿ္ လဿအအိဢ္လဿ ဘဲၯကလိၯတဖဢ္ လဲၯလဿမိဿ္ပဿ္ခဿဢ္စးန႔ဢ္လီၯ.

Adman Island is located at the south of Kokoe Island and at the centre of Bay of Bangal. It is the territory of India, and since the island is far away from mainland India, it is one of the least develop area in India. Local people, Bushman are still can be seen in the area and the population of Karen people living there is more than 2000. Although they are away from Karen community from Burma and around the world, one of their lovely character is they can speak Karen language fluently and maintain Karen tradition and culture. The Island has up to high school education and university education is only available at mainland India. It is my privilege to post about a very outstanding Karen student from the least develop area.

Her name is called Mary Pee and she is 23 years old. She is being recognized and awarded a gold medal from Banglore University for being topper in the University in her degree- BA with Journalism. She studied at the Baldwin Woman’s college, Banglore, India. As her parents were unable to attend the ceremony due to long distance, her uncle and aunt were presented at the ceremony.


Early schooling from LKG to Std V at Carey Memorial School, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India.

1999 to 2005 - Bethany High School, Bangalore, India [Std. V to X]

2005 to 2007 - Model Sr. Sec. School, Port Blair, Andamans, India [Std. XI & X11]

2007 to 2010 - Baldwin Women’s Methodist College, Bangalore, India

[Affiliated to Bangalore University] – Bachelor of Arts


2010 onwards - M.Sc in Electronic Media, in Central College, Bangalore University,India


1. Award for highest marks in BA “English” from Bangalore University, India in 2011.

2. Gold Medal for having secured the highest marks in Bangalore University in “Journalism and Mass Communication” - 2011.

3. Certificate of Appreciation for being an outstanding College Students’ Union President - BWCO - Baldwin Womens’ College Organisation 2010.

4. Award for ‘Initiative and Team Spirit’ Baldwin Women’s College - 2010.

5. Award for “Best Outgoing Student” in BA Department, Baldwin Womens’ Methodist College in 2010.

6. Award for “Best General Officer” Baldwin Womens’ Methodist College 2010, Bangalore.

7. Certificates of Merit for having secured the 1st place in semester exams [1st to 6th semester] 2007 to 2010, conducted by Bangalore University in BA [Journalism]

ဟံးန႔ဿ္အီၯလဿ www.karenunited.com အပူၯန႔ဢ္လီၯ.



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